About NIPS

Established by Act 1990, Registration Number RC390805.


The idea of establishing as professional body The Nigerian Institute of Professional Secretaries in Nigeria was first proposed in 1998 by Graduates in Secretaria l Administration from various Organizations in Nigeria. This proposal materialized when on the 1st of January 2003, The Nigerian Institute of Professional Secretaries (NIPS) was inaugurated in Lagos.

The Nigerian Institute of Professional Secretaries, an association of Nigerian graduates with B.Sc., HND/ND/NCE etc, in Secretarial Administration from the Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, the Universities and its equivalent institutions was established by ACT 1990, Registration Number RC390805.

The Registered Office of the Institute will situate in Nigeria.

Aims and Objectives for which the Institute is established are

  1. To promote the science and encouragement of Secretarial Administration and business education in Nigeria and also to increase the knowledge relating to Secretarial and Business education and to promotes dissemination.

  2. To promote the establishment and maintenance of standards of competence and conduct of those engaged and interested to engage in Secretarial Profession and to foster and maintain a high standard of Professionalism in the field of Secretarial Administration.

  3. To organize, hold lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, Luncheons, dinners and in-service training to improve the professional standards of our members and conduct examinations in Secretarial studies and award Diploma Certificates. To print and distribute New letters, Bulletins, Magazines to members, to receive Articles from members for publications in our bulletins, journals, newsletters, etc. Such articles may be centered on promotions, marriage, and deaths, religious Matters, academic and professional materials, words of encouragements to student Members, etc.

  4. To serve as employment bureau for all members and liaise with employers of labour in respect of job opportunities for all members in general and to provide professional consultative advice for members and the public at large, establish a Library and Research Centre for the use of its members and the general public, and

  5. To do any other things that are necessary to accomplished the above objectives

These objectives are achieved through strict standard of qualification for Membership, the promotion of strict code of professional conduct which every Members must respect, debates, conferences, workshop, study groups, dinners, Luncheons, etc., addressed by distinguished academic and professionals.

In business in which professionalism is of growing importance, perhaps the main benefit of becoming an NIPS member is that, it gives recognition to a high personal performance, obtaining information from other countries through the Institute's journals. The designatory letters indicate that the holders have acquired the basic professional standards laid down by the Institute. NIPS is increasingly being recognized by employers of labour, and the general public as the true mark of professionalism in Secretarial Management.


There is other benefits to be gained by members, these include:

  1. A direct involvement with a growing body of Senior Professionals, exchanging ideas and setting new standards.

  2. A Unique opportunity for self-development. NIPS members have frequent opportunities to up-date and expand their knowledge and skills. Self-development in NIPS in an-on-going processes

  3. As an access to information and service: NIPS Headquarters and full-time personnel serve as clearing house of information on consulting strategies and techniques, journals, newsletters and special reports keep members informed about emerging issues in the profession.

  4. Client Information: NIPS maintains extensive information regarding business development and skills. NIPS Members are usually cited for client selection because of their credentials.

  5. Publication: Various of publications are issued by the Institute from time to time, presenting view points, information, the state of the arts, new development of interest and others whose expertise have a bearing on the practice of Secretarial Administration and the operation of Secretarial Technology.

  1. ATTENDING MEETINGS: Annual General Meetings, Conferences, Luncheons, Dinners, Seminars, Workshops, etc, organized by the Institute at reduced rates.

  2. Celebrating "THE SECRETARY WEEK" once a year.

  3. To make use of the Institute's Employment Register/Consultancy Services.

  4. To assist student members pass their professional examinations at first attempt by providing them with lectures, hand-out notes and office skills with Nigeria and overseas materials, etc.


The Constitution and By-Laws establishing NIPS empowers it to promote and regulate the standards and practice of Secretarial Administration among its members throughout Nigeria. Its members are made up of individual and professional bodies in Secretarial Training, Administration and practice. A copy of the Constitution will be given to members on admission.


Members and registered Students seeking employment or change of job will find our Job Placement Unit very useful and should always get in touch with the Secretariat for regular up-date on vacancies.


In-service training, Seminars/Workshops, etc, in Secretarial Administration/ Management are held at intervals at our Training Centre and other Accredited Centres nationwide. Full details of such courses are circulated to members and organizations well in advance. Kindly contact the Institute for your special requirements.


The acceptance of the Institute's Code of Practice and Rules is mandatory on all members of the Institute and such acceptance of both the Code of Practice and Rules is expressly warranted by the signing of the Institute's " Application for Membership Form". It is the duty of all members of the Institute to assist in the implementation and the enforcement of the Code of Practice and Rules.